Women directors’ contribution to board decision-making and strategic involvement: The role of equality perception

Título (ingles) Women directors’ contribution to board decision-making and strategic involvement: The role of equality perception
Temáticas asociadas Empresariado femenino | Organismos | Investigación y ciencia
Año de edición 01/0
Autor/es Sabina Nielsen , Morten Huse
Entidad editora European Management Review

This article extends previous theoretical and empirical work on board gender diversity in several ways. First, we recognize that significant differences exist among women directors. Instead of investigating the effect of gender per se, we focus on how the different professional experiences and values of women can help increase their influence on boards and enhance decision-making. We argue that it is not the gender of women directors, but rather the unique resources individual women directors bring along, which may help them exercise their influence on the work of corporate boards. Second, we propose the construct of women directors’ contribution to board decision-making as an important mediator in the relationship between board composition and board strategic involvement. Adams and Ferreira (2008: 12) assert that ‘for gender diversity to have an impact on board governance, it is not sufficient that female directors behave differently than male directors. Their behaviour should also affect the working of the board’. Accordingly, we suggest that women’s impact on board strategic involvement can only be discerned by investigating the extent to which they exert influence on the way the board conducts business and the issues discussed. Finally, we apply stereotype threat theory in the context of board gender diversity and emphasize the role of women equality perception in leveraging women directors’ unique resources for improving board decision-making and strategic involvement.
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